Monday, September 30, 2019

Lost in Translation Essay

â€Å"Most linguists would say that there is no such thing as a perfect translation and that something is always lost when we move from one language to another. † Sometimes when translating, there might be the difficulty, of finding a word that expresses or means the same thing, and because there isn’t one specific word that means the same as the other, instead of putting one word, many are used, to describe the words meaning. Each language has a specific way in which the words structure a sentence (grammatical rules to structure a sentence), so that the sentence can make sense. Because meaning changes from one language to another, words need to be added or omitted and the structure of the sentence needs to change, so that meaning of the words can be more accurately translated. When translating one needs to at times translate the meaning, and not the words, because the words could have different meanings. Even though the structure has changed the meaning can still be the same, they are just said in different ways. Each language has it’s own set of grammatical rules (and conjugations), which is why when one word is translated into another (in a different language), the grammatical structure also has to be correct, in order for the sentence to make sense. So in many cases, when translating, the grammatical structure needs to change too. After translating the words or sentence, and changing the grammatical structure, when the meanings are compared in different languages, they are more or less the same. But if you translate the words in their direct meaning, the sentence won’t make sense. Example of words, using different words to translate the meaning more accurately: English:Direct translation into Spanish:  ·Are you serious? Estas tu serio? This translation doesn’t make sense in Spanish. The words need to change so that the translation of the meaning, or expression is correct. The correct way of expressing these words in Spanish would be: No me digas! But when you translate these words back into the original language (English), the meaning would change. The direct translation of No me digas! is: Don’t tell me. In English when you compare the words: â€Å"are you serious? † to â€Å"Don’t tell me! † the meanings are different. â€Å"Are you serious? † would mean: Are you kidding? Really! Or I can’t believe it! While â€Å"Don’t tell me! † would mean: Don’t tell me what’s going to happen or don’t talk to me, I don’t want to hear it! When comparing the meanings, one can see the obvious difference. So in order to get the same meaning, words as well as their structure need to change.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Research proposal Essay

College students are among a significant population who experience extremely high levels of stress. According to the CDC one out of five college students have reported being stressed (CDC, 2012). The pressures of being a successful student and maintaining good grades along with juggling work, extracurricular activities, and a social life, are all factors that cause increased levels of stress and anxiety among college students. Research shows that people who undergo chronic stress have higher risks of developing major mental health implications such as higher levels of anxiety and depression to the extent where it can significantly damage their daily-life functioning (National Cancer Institute, 2012). The prevalence of mental illness among college-aged students is at an alarming rate considering the substantial amounts of stress students go through while in college. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2012), an AHA survey conducted among college students reveal findings that confirm 1/3 of students reported feeling depressed to the point where it impaired their ability to function (American psychiatric association, 2012). Along with major depressive symptoms, half of the whole population of students also reported having feelings of overwhelming anxiety. Furthermore, an additional study done in 2008 presented findings which showed that 53% of college students in a sample reported having high depressive symptoms as well as 52.8% of students undergoing high levels of anxiety (Downs & Ashton, 2011). Protective factors need to be considered when looking for efforts to improve the mental health and wellbeing of students among this population. One protective factor that has been linked with positive mental health is increased levels of physical activity (Buchan, Ollis, Thomas & Baker, 2012). Previous research and theory has shown that physical activity can increase the release of serotonin and norepinephrine which are neurotransmitters that have been connected with and can ultimately decrease risk of anxiety and mood disorders (American psychiatric association, 2012). Furthermore, according to the Journal of American College Health, Bray and Kwan found through their research that students who did not engage in vigorous physical  activity sufficiently scored lower on psychological well-being than students who engage in vigorous physical activity sufficiently (Bray, Kwan 2006). Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine whether or not there is an effect of engagement in physical activity on the stress levels and moods among undergraduate students at California State University, Fullerton. Based on this statement, it is hypothesized that increased amounts of physical activity will be associated with lower stress levels and an over better mental health among undergraduate students. The theory we will use to test with our hypothesis will be the transtheoretical model (TTM). Also known as the stages of change model, the main theme of this model suggests that a change in behavior is not understood as a single event, but as a process and that when a person attempts to make a behavior change, they will go through multiple stages (Rimer, Glanz, & NCI, 2005). The five stages of change include: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The stages of change model is like a cycle, not a linear model, in which people may start the process of change at any given stage and then may take a step back to a previous stage (relapse) and have to start over. This theory informs our hypothesis that increased levels of physical activity will reduce levels of stress because previous research has proven that the transtheoretical model, which has been applied to numerous health behaviors such as diet, weight control and exercise, is successfully effective in increasing levels of physical activity (Jackson, Asimakopoulou, & Scammell, 2007). Since previous studies show a positive association between physical activity and overall better mental health, this theory can be used to support efforts (such as coming up with strategies for interventions) in order to increase the amount of physical activity college students engage in, with the aim of ultimately improving their mood and stress levels. We are testing this theory with our hypothesis by examining and analyzing the multiple aspects of a person’s beliefs about the behavior, their intentions and readiness to change their behavior, and actual engagement of behavior as it relates to their mood. Method Participants and Procedures Our sample will include eighty to one hundred students between the ages  of eighteen and twenty-four that are currently enrolled at Cal State Fullerton. We will be conducting a survey by having students at Cal State Fullerton from the classes Dr. Espinoza conducts as well as colleagues from other classes answer a survey questionnaire. Being that one out of five college students have reported feeling stressed (CDC, 2012) we will make a detailed survey that will help us determine the underlying factors and main stressors that increase the average college students stress level. Our survey will take approximately five to ten minutes to complete and will be anonymous. However, we will ask students to write their class status on the survey which will help us to determine if stress levels overall increase, decrease or remain the same the longer the participants have been enrolled in school. Measures In our survey we will be asking students to rate their current stress level on a scale of 1-10. Since one person could consider a stress level of an 8, for example, differently than another, we will include a key to the description of each rating to ensure accuracy. We will also be asking them what their key stressors are, how much they exercise, what type of exercise they participate in and at what level (vigorous, light, etc.). In addition, we will ask our participants their feelings about exercising; whether or not they think it is necessary or important to them to perform a fair amount of physical activity in order to maintain a healthy mind. We will use these questions to analyze the students’ attitudes/beliefs about physical activity and how they think it relates to their mood. With the detailed questions we are asking we will be able to make a correlation between stress levels and exercise. We anticipate to see those who exercise regularly have lower stress levels than those who do not exercise regularly. Conclusion Looking at several research studies done previously on this topic of interest indicates that stress can be related to physical activity and most certainly can affect a college student’s mental health. Our research will look more into the stress of college students and will be able to compare the year of the student in which they are enrolled in, to how much physical exercise they participate in, to how much stress they are feeling. Obtaining this research is necessary because it will be helpful for college students. It is  important for college students to be able to identify their stress properly and know how to cope with it so their mental health is not at risk of decreasing. Even though our research will be taking place at California State University, Fullerton, it will be beneficial for all college students. References American Psychiatric Association (2012). College Students | Retrieved from Bray, S. R., & Kwan, M. W. (2006). Physical activity is associated with better health and psychological well-Being during transition to university life. Journal Of American College Health, 55(2), 77-82. Buchan, D. S., Ollis, S., Thomas, N. E., & Baker, J. S. (2012). Physical activity behaviour: an overview of current and emergent theoretical practices. Journal of Obesity, 1-11. doi:10.1155/2012/546459 CDC. (2012, aug 12). College Health and Safety Downs, A., & Ashton, J. (2011). Vigorous physical activity, sports participation, and athletic identity: implications for mental and physical health in college students. Journal of Sport Behavior, 34(3), 228-249. Jackson, R., Asimakopoulou, K., & Scammell, A. (2007). Assessment of the transtheoretical model as used by dietitians in promoting physical activity in people with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. doi:10.1111/j.1365-277X.2007.00746.x National Cancer Institute (2012). Psychological Stress and Cancer – National Cancer Institute. Retrieved from Rimer, B. K., Glanz, K., & National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (2005). Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice (2nd ed.). Bethesda, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

LIEN A LAND INC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LIEN A LAND INC - Essay Example tenure, he has done a remarkable job that has seen the company acquire a large client base and grow from a medium to a big company now, growing its asset base to eight times since its inception. Though Hoang joined this company with only a diploma in sales and marketing, he has afforded to study a higher diploma and a degree in this field. This has significantly improved his sales knowledge. However, for the last six months, Hoang does not seem to be enthusiastic about his duties and his performance is noted to be deteriorating. Hoang has of late been discovered to have a lot of complains about the nature of his work, an issue that seems to affect the other junior staff in the marketing department. Consequently, the department is noted to have declined in its performance, notably for the past six months, having little growth in customer base achieved during the period. His manager, Mr. Nguyen, is deeply concerned about Hoang performance. He has confronted him severally over this issue. After this confrontation by the manager, Mr. Nguyen, Hoang feels offended and threatens to quit his job. He goes on to write a letter of resignation, citing the manager’s confrontation, as well as lack of promotion as the reasons. The manager is in turn aggrieved by Huang’s claims because he had increased his salary to match that of the marketing manager. The manager decided to let Hoang quit his job, but on a second thought consider his important role in the organization. This conflict reaches a stalemate and calls for the indulgence of the company owners to resolve the dispute. In an attempt to know why this is happening, the management set to give Hoang an audience, so he can raise his grievances. When he presented his case, the management understood that Hoang was demotivated, since he expected the management to promote him to the rank of sales and marketing manager of the new branch they had established in a different city. Contrary to his expectation, the management had

Friday, September 27, 2019

Global Marketing and Consumer Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Global Marketing and Consumer Culture - Essay Example The emerging global consumer culture is pushing people to live under a single system. There exist variations between exposure to global flows and the extent to which people identify themselves with the mainstream global trends. Bicultural identities have been formed through globalization (Ritzer 2002). One aspect of the emerging culture is a robust connection with the traditional culture while the other is linked to the emerging global consumer culture. The global consumer culture has caused an enormous impact in cosmopolitan regions. Globalization has led to the need for marketers to standardize, localize or use hybrid strategies while promoting products and services. The differences between local and international markets are becoming minimal and the global culture continues to harmonize consumer expectations.Consumption is increasingly being perceived as a social behavior and a cultural complex (Merz et al 2008). Consumption is a complex social function that goes beyond mere purch ases. Therefore, consumption is affected by stimulus. The subculture of the consumers’ social ecosystem plays a central role in the process (Breckenridge 2002). The world appears to be turning into one enormous McDonalds dominated by multinationals, brands and nationalism. New local cultures are being created while traditional cultures are getting discarded. The unprecedented global and cultural transformations have started a new phase of expansion in which cosmopolitan culture is driven from a unified front. (Breckenridge 2002). Cross-cultural connections are affordable and national limitations in terms of consumer preferences appear to be increasingly becoming minimal (Agrawal 2008). This has led to a level of global integration in terms of perceptions, preferences and consumer tastes. The flow of commodities has been on the rise and countries and nations have been forced to depend on each other for food and essential commodities (Cashmore 1997). This has led to a dramatic increase in the manufactured good (Breckenridge 2002). Consumption of good designed in foreign markets is becoming acceptable even in the most conservative societies. The threat to the existence of traditions has been realized through an increase in consumption of European and American goods (Merz et al 2008). Local cultures and economic autonomy is increasingly becoming lost (Cashmore 1997). The most populous nations are going through cultural and consumer revolutions. A compelling example is China. There seems to be a predisposition towards social emulation. Market place choices are motivated by matching, imitation, and influence (Agrawal 2008). There is a social engineering of marketers and advertisers targeting the social marketplace. Consumers need continue to be increasingly harmonized and even among different global markets (Ritzer 2002). There is rapid circulation n products and intensive exchange among social groups. The power and autonomy of consumers has been growing (Breckenridge 2002). This has caused many consumers to source for the finest goods and services in the foreign markets. Globalization and international marketing by

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Project Progress Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Progress Report - Essay Example in 1980’s manufacturers exploited the rise of recycling to further ingrain a sense of personal culpability for increasing levels of trash, and to crack open new consumer markets. The wave of waste management accompanied the rise of mandatory recycling programmes which were a product of a major landfill crisis and public pressure. Often from the diverse groups that started the environmental justice movement to reprocess rather than dispose of wastes. With the measures that would restrict the generation of waste, like mandatory laws and source reduction changes and in 1980’s recycling underwent a renaissance. In 1980’s curbside recycling systems were adopted many of them mandatory. In 1993, the US environmental protection agency reported that domestic recycling had tripled by weight from 70% to almost 22% (Strasser, 1999). Rather than resist all this recycling, the highest level of industry appeared to undergo a green conversion. Industry accepted recycling in lien of more radical changes like bans on certain materials and industrial processes, production controls, minimum standards for product durability and higher prices for resource extraction. Faced with all these potential regulations, capital recognized that recycling had an advantage that other option lacked. In industry’s eyes recycling was a lesser evil. But by the early 1990’s some recycling centers were criticizing the code-stamps for creating public confusion over what was actually recyclable and driving up costs for local waste handling facilities. The start of Waste Management was intensified in 1990’s during the Rio Earth summit in 1992. Agenda 21, signed by 178 nations put up a detailed plan involving 27 principles to guide countries towards sustainable development through proper Waste Management including three R’s (UN, 2004). The EU Waste Management policies were started in 1975 (Johnson and Corcelle,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example Other areas of the breast can also be affected, however, this is rare. Treatment will also vary considering the type of breast cancer and the stage it is in. One can find out if they are a victim to this disease by getting an examination by a physician, a biopsy, a mammography or an ultrasound test. Rates of breast cancer have risen over the years, however there are many women who also fight this disease and survive in America. Men can also suffer from this disease. (society, 2000) Causes of breast cancer The exact factor that causes breast cancer is yet to be pinpointed. Certain factors increase the probability of the cancer’s occurrence. Some can be controlled and modified in order to avoid the onset of the disease; whereas other factors cannot be controlled. There are some main reasons as to why it occurs; Family tree: having family members, especially closely related women in the family such as an aunt, a sister etc. who have breast cancer greatly increases the chances of developing breast cancer. Age: as a person grows older, the chances of breast cancer also increase. Life history: having cancer in one breast increases the likelihood of having cancer in the other breast in the future, or other different types of cancers in the same breast. Menstrual cycle: women with a cycle that started before twelve or ended before fifty five are more susceptible to this disease. Race: black women tend to have stronger potential to avoid the tumor than white women Breast tissue: women with a denser breast tissue as compared to others have a higher probability of developing breast cancer. Giving Birth: having no children or having children at a very late age can also increase the probability of breast cancer occurrence. Studies show that a breastfeeding mother for one or two years has a lesser probability of developing breast cancer. Weight: obese people have a greater probability of suffering from breast cancer than women who have an average body weight. Use of c ontraceptives: The use of oral contraceptives for about ten years or so increases the probability of breast cancer occurrence. Exercise: Exercise has been shown to lower the probability of breast cancer. Alcohol consumption: The rate of consumption of alcohol and the probability of developing breast cancer are directly proportional These are the risk factors that are associated in the development of cancer of the breast in women. Aspects such as age cannot be controlled, as one cannot stop aging, however other factors such as exercise, weight and alcohol consumption etc. can be controlled. (Majure, 2000) Signs, symptoms and diagnosis One of the most common symptoms of breast cancer is a mass or lump in the breast. Other symptoms include dimpling or swelling of the breast, nipple or breast pain, or discharge from the breast or redness. A healthcare provider can confirm whether these signs or symptoms point towards breast cancer. Mammograms are usually used to detect breast cancers. A nd women should at least at the age of forty get regular screen shots in order to prevent the disease or catch it at its earlier stages. A clinical breast exam, CBE, should also be conducted in women in their twenties or thirties in order to be aware of the changes that the breasts are undergoing as well as the early onset of the disease or possibility of the disease. A self-exam of the breast can also be done called a breast self-exam (BSE) by women especially those in their early

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Disaster Management in Water Science Speech or Presentation

Disaster Management in Water Science - Speech or Presentation Example Furthermore, the water that has been tested from the treatment facilities show that the existing water is contaminated as it contains a lot of foreign traces of dirt which makes it unfit for human consumption. This is a major disaster that has engulfed the entire community which further contradicts the fact that ample clean water supply is essential for consumption. It is the duty of the county to ensure that clean and safe water is available for all people and animals. Dirty water bears the risk of causing numerous diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis among others hence this calls for water treatment (Mwenda, 1999).I intend to inform the public in general on the importance of treating water before using it for various purposes such as cooking, drinking just to mention. According to Agnes (2000), she notes that that are several ways of treating water and none of them is perfect. She further argues that the best option is to combine several methods together so as to achieve desirable results. On the other hand, most microbes are killed as a result of water treatment but contaminants for instance salts, heavy metals and some chemicals are not removed (Molo, 2003). It is advisable to let all suspensions in water to settle down before one starts water treatment. Boiling water is considered to be one of the safest meth

Monday, September 23, 2019

Paper on Music in Times of Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Paper on Music in Times of Conflict - Essay Example escalated over the years as it used its massive firepower, advanced technology, and huge manpower to suppress Vietcongs, who were mostly farmers armed with recoilless rifles (â€Å"Enemy’s Weapons†). Until now, Americans are divided in their sentiments about the war (Schroeder). This may have been because U.S. involvement did not bring any substantial change to Vietnam. It only caused America to lose â€Å"58,000 lives and billions of tax dollars† (Schroeder). The Vietnam War began in 1963 and ended in 1975. â€Å"Machine Gun† by Jimi Hendrix was first performed in a concert on New Year’s Eve of 1970 (Perone 62). It is likely that the song was composed in the closing months of 1969. Hence, it was composed during the war. 1969 is also the year when the number of U.S. military personnel in Vietnam reached its peak and the year when My Lai Massacre, a massacre of 504 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, was revealed (â€Å"Vietnam War Timeline†). The 1960s was a decade when music has become very political. There was no other period in music history when it embraced politics more closely as it did in the 1960s (Hopkins 255). Jimi Hendrix was among those musicians who expressed their political sentiments through their craft. There is no record on how it affected Vietnam War politically. However, several researchers attest that it did affect public sentiment towards the war. Westergaard, describing Hendrix’s guitar solo during the performance, says it is â€Å"the most devastating guitar solo ever† (qtd. in Perone 62)—hinting at the feeling of war terror it gave to listeners and the dismantling of pro-war sentiments on some. In reference to the My Lai Massacre, Hopkins writes that during the performance, sounds like â€Å"dive-bombing planes and Vietnamese women shrieking at the sight of their children’s deaths† were heard by the audience (255). Such effect on the audience is likely to have ar oused or increased anti-war sentiments among Americans. As the lyrics implies,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Role of CNO (Chief Nursing Officer) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Role of CNO (Chief Nursing Officer) - Essay Example According to a 2002 survey, approximately 55 percent of the CNOs were found to report directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation., & Institute of Medicine, 2011). This presents the CNOs with a good chance to present the ailing problems of the treatment, disease management, patient safety, and nursing staff safety to the top management board. In other words, the CNO is a representative for the nursing staff and the patients to the health care administration. This should go in hand with the implementation of strategies that are geared towards the improvement of the quality of services in the health care institutions. In most cases, the management board focuses primarily on financial and business aspects of health care institutions (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation., & Institute of Medicine, 2011). However, with the representation of the CNOs in the board, there is an all-round structure of administration that can make diverse and all-inclusive decisions that touch on all the stakeholders in the health sector. The significance of their representation is that they are directly in touch with the nursing staff and the patients as well as other stakeholders in the health sector. It is through the representation of the nursing staff by the CNO in the hospital board that critical issues affecting health care such as understaffing, budget pressures, turnover levels, and retention can be satisfactorily addressed. Another significant role of the CNO in health care is guaranteeing and assuring the quality of services offered in the clinics. The Chief Nursing Officer ought to directly supervise the nursing staff to ensure that patient satisfaction is achieved. The achievements and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

People Puzzle Essay Example for Free

People Puzzle Essay 1) What would you tell [Student’s Name] if [s/he] asked you the following question: â€Å"What is it like to be on the other side of me?† Kelven, you are a very strong minded individual. You remind me of my uncle who is a professor and is known by our family as the â€Å"serious†, â€Å"straight-forward† uncle. When in your presence or communicating with you, it is like listening to a father figure or leader of some organization. 2) How does [Student’s Name] typically interact with other people? Can you think of a recent example? Kelven, you interact with people well. You are not open at first, but seem to feel a person out. I remember first meeting you as my supervisor years ago. My first impression was a person who was stuck up or self-centered. I soon learned different and respect your attributes. 3) Have you ever been in a situation where you saw [Student’s Name] take on new tasks or roles? Describe this situation and what [s/he] did? Yes, as you took on new roles with additional supervisory roles in the company, Kelven, you showed us and your superiors the ability to adapt and multi-task many responsibilities. 4) What has been a particularly demanding goal for [Student’s Name] to achieve? Kelven has openly expressed his desire to work full time in ministry and own his own restaurant. 5) When you observe [Student’s Name], which of the following pictures come  to mind? LION BEAVER OTTER GOLDEN RETRIEVER A lion came to mind because Kelven is a leader of the pack and/or desires to be the alpha dog, so to speak. Ms. Atonya speaks of me as a lion who is the leader of the pack. To her, I am a person who feels a situation out before opening up to it. Firm but adaptable to any situation is how Ms. Atonya describes me. Ms. Champion 360 Interview (Letter to Editor) 6) What would you tell [Student’s Name] if [s/he] asked you the following question: â€Å"What is it like to be on the other side of me?† You are a very passionate and caring individual. You always seem to have the best interest in mind of anyone you meet. You give more of yourself than you expect from others. 7) How does [Student’s Name] typically interact with other people? Can you think of a recent example? A recent example doesn’t come to mind but I know you to ease your way into the lives of others. I don’t know if you are feeling a person out, contemplating or simply letting things evolve, but you do seem to not rush into an interaction. 8) Have you ever been in a situation where you saw [Student’s Name] take on new tasks or roles? Describe this situation and what [s/he] did? I remember over 10 years ago when you were placed into the Assistant Pastor / Interim Pastor at your home church. You lived in Dallas and traveled weekly over 100 miles to perform your duties. If I remember correctly, you performed these duties for over six months. 9) What has been a particularly demanding goal for [Student’s Name] to achieve? Full time ministry and counseling to youth. 10) When you observe [Student’s Name], which of the following pictures come to mind? LION BEAVER OTTER GOLDEN RETRIEVER You are easy going but do procrastinate at times, . Ms. Champion adds that a lion and golden retriever come to mind when observing me. She sees me as a procrastinator who is passionate about people and work. Communication Skills Test Report (, 2013) The report displays strengths, potential strengths, and limitations. As a C/S type personality, I tend to be passive in my approaches to people. According to Carbonell, â€Å"you are one the most passive types, but you tend to be reserved in the ways others like† (Carbonell, 2008, p. 77). This passive approach reveals my passion to help people on a personal level. (Uniquely You, 2013) Who is the â€Å"Me I See†? The â€Å"Me I See† has a C/S personality type. Passive by nature, I tend to give an impression of being disinterested in people or their issues. One of my motivating factors is being sure of other’s expectations before proceeding (, 2013). I see me as a person who has solid strengths but noticeable weaknesses as well. I am precise when it comes to details and facts. However, if not presented with a question, I tend to withhold my opinions until asked. This speaks of my hesitancy to take any risks. I do tend to remain to myself and not be as outgoing as possible. Thinking more positively and not being afraid of failure can beneficial in  controlling my behavioral tendencies (Uniquely You, 2013) As I review my 360 Interview Survey Results from individuals that know me, both seem to express similar concerns. I am looked at as a person who procrastinates at times, taking time to feel out and get comfortable in situations. With these patterns, it is wise for me to come out of my comfort zone and be more decisive (Carbonell, 2008). I value support, stability, and accuracy. I rely on data before making decisions and more than likely, take an objective approach (Resources Unlimited, 2013). These attributes describe the â€Å"rocking the boat† mentality. No one desires to be the person who rocks the boat or causes it to sink. My personality profile depicts this kind of mentality. According to Peterson, â€Å"when flat-brained, we say crazy things that seem reasonable to us at the time† (Petersen, 2007, p. 26). As a C/S Type Personality, my firm and strong personality can at times become damaging. One way to counter the flat-brain syndrome is to have goals that reduce emotional disturbance, clarify thinking, increase self-confidence, and build supportive friendships (Petersen, 2007). Thinking clearly can help me see different options and make decisive decisions. Hallmark Purpose I am committed to having the mindset Christ had toward His Father, seeking to glorify God in every area of my life. God did not intend for me to be passive and non-decisive in life. I am an overcomer and will conquer my fears. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. (Matthew 16:25, King James Version). My desire in life is to work full time in ministry. I seek to serve God and others. My rationale for having the mindset of Christ is to simply reflect and embrace the true Christian lifestyle. â€Å"Me I Want To See†. The person I want to see in me is transforming from a passive person to a purpose driven person. I do not desire to just simply get by in life in my relationships with others. Hesitancy is not productive. The courses in PAC500 are challenging me personally. Developing superior listening skills and solving the people puzzle is not just for my counselees. I am beginning to look at myself now before even considering anyone’s problems. My purpose lies in  developing the whole man, inside and out. This first begins at home and spread abroad. My hallmark is now a solid foundation to build upon. I am currently looked upon as helpful and considerate. I have a servant mentality. The â€Å"me I want to see†, is adding the qualities of boldness and decisiveness in the continual process of developing the whole man. References 1994. Axiom Software Profile Interpretations High C. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 Sep 2013]. Carbonell, M. 2008. How to solve the people puzzle. Blue Ridge, Ga.: Uniquely You Resources. King James Bible. 1976. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Inc p. 1425. Petersen, J. 2007. Why dont we listen better?. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications. Resources Unlimited. 2013. Untitled. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 Sep 2013]. 2013. Sample Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 Sep 2013]. Uniquely You. 2013. Untitled. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 Sep 2013]. Solving My People Puzzle: Phase 1 Grading Rubric Student: Criteria| Points Possible| Points Earned| Assessment Content Organization * 360 ° Interviews, Communication Skills SnapShot, and DISC SnapShots (Graphs 1 2: Preface, Charts, Descriptions, and Conclusions) were presented with sufficient organizational clarity | 20| | DISC Description * Core DISC index clearly identified and satisfactorily supported from the assessments and course resources * Core motivation and shading concisely described and satisfactorily supported with evidence from course resources| 20| | Overall â€Å"The Me I and Others See† Description * Overall strengths identified and concisely described with evidence from course resources and assessments * Overall shortcomings

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Quantitative Easing on Investment Markets

Impact of Quantitative Easing on Investment Markets A simple definition of Quantitative Easing (QE) is central bank issues money to other banks, the discharge by central bank of adequate funds to encourage activity in a banking system that has become slothful and produce an upgrading in the economy. This sometimes means printing money in order to provide banks more capital (Financial times dictionary, 2009). The first remarkable handling of QE was by the bank of Japan in the early 2000s and similar plans were used again in 2008 by the Federal Reserve to deal with the United States. QE is using to increase the money supply significantly only seen when interest rates have been already reduced to zero and when the government is still trying to stop credit crunch condition. Lower interest rates encourage people to spend, not to save but when interest rates can go no lower, a central bank only choice is to pump money into the economy directly. Printing money can be defined as the central bank financing of government debts this is caused in both 1920s Germany and Zimbabwe and the British government insist it is not doing, even though the short term achieve is similar. But the banks believe this form of QE is altered because its a high risk strategy like old fashioned money printing, pumping too much money into the economy and causing high price rises, as seen in 1920s Weimar Germany and modern day Zimbabwe. For example if QE works, credit growth will pack up and business will find it easier to get credit that, in turn should help to motivate the economy (BBC news channel, QE, 2009). Abstract My whole research report will explain QE and its impact investors worry about the economy. In literature i have chosen three author who spoke about the investors and they are thinking about to invest in safe place like profitable markets and fearing about the deflation and inflation. In my methodology I have chosen to find out the reasons how to approach these thinks and what type of methodology need to put in practice I took face to face interview, population survey and focus groups to find out the answered. I used some systematic data like data gathering, data analysis and resource what i used in my research report. Title Impact of Quantitative Easing on investment markets Research Question How the Quantitative Easing is affecting investors, but getting the response for research question, needs to raise the other question such as how the investors worry about the deflation and inflation. Literature Review Many authors commented on QE effecting investors in different way but these three authors says about impact of QE on investment. Denise Law, 2009 said investors are pour money into gold markets, Paul Amery, 2009 told that same thing investors are trying to invest money into gold and silver markets and Jams Pexton, 2009 said that investors are looking for the safe way to invest before they invest the money into market they will look at the deflation and inflation. These three authors said same thing about investor QE and its impact on UK economy. Denise Law, 2009 state that investors are looking for a safe place are turning to gold because of UK economy. But professional says there are no signs the strong feeling will end soon, investors are notice that get higher in gold prices as reflection of external factors such as inflationary worries rather than of supply and require essentials. The bell run gold prices follow a survey that was released earlier, which exposed that investors are showing more interest to put money into gold markets. The survey shows a general gift towards more stability particularly amid fears that the Bank of Englands QE programme will shows active inflation. However investors consider that the gold prices will persist to rise, continued by increasing investors enthusiasm for an asset class that is often shows its ability to perform well in times economic uncertainty in the UK. Suki Cooper an economist at Barclays said in many respects gold has proved its value with in UK portfolio at the end of last ye ar when prices were falling across asset classes but gold prices did not fall and it allowed some investors to take profit and meet margin calls Paul Amery, 2009 said that the suggestion of QE for corporate debt are a less clear, while central bank afraid in the countries would like to move forwards the credit spread between corporate and government bond yield lower, the scope for straight interference in the corporate bond markets is more limited. While Bank of England has particularly authorised such a move under its QE agenda the effect remain to be seen. One instant outcome of QE broadcast has been to push the currencies of all the countries implicated sharply lower. But some commentators have said that QE can allow competitive economy devaluation against your neighbours something incidentally, that there are certain to be discussions on this subject at G20 event beginning in London, though whether these will lead to any statements on economy policy remain to be seen. In any case investors with foreign currency publicity in a country committing to QE may wish to avoid losses. The clearest follow-on effect of Quantitative easing policies is likely to be seen in the government debt and currency markets. Government may well manage to dowel or restrict bond yields for a continued period. At the same time they are increasing the risk of currency depression, and they are possible to increase currency instability. Gold and silver investment stipulates is likely to stay strong while such policies continue. And the result on equities is uncertain, as its unsure whether QE policies will renew the expansion on which divide prices depend. James Pexton, 2009 said investors are getting worry about the economy deflation and inflation. It is too early to say whether the serious move towards QE will be successful, but its immediate contact appears to be inadequate. We imagine deflationary concerns to persist to overlook in 2009, but consider that accelerating inflation is likely to be a effective warning from 2010on wards. Deflation means value of economy fall down, deflation is a rare happening and once well-established, it becomes very complicated to get growth in an economic recovery. Therefore Central Banks are fearful of deflation, we guess Central Banks to fault on the side of doing too much and to carry on to enlarge programmes that speed up growth of the money deliver. Inflation means economy having certain value at present Inflation is a feasible option when the public debt stock is denominated in the nations own currency and mainly supposed in nature. Speedy inflation erodes the genuine value of any nominal liabi lities and redistributes from the creditors to the borrowers, with the state frequently being one of the main beneficiaries. Whether an inflationary outcome is the outcome of a policy mistake or an intentional policy, we strongly believe it is worth thinking not only about the investment implications of near term deflation but also the risk significantly. Methodology The life of this planned study is investigative, rather than helpful, as not much literature has been shown on the subject of Quantitative Easing is affecting investors. This type of research will implement a stranded theory move towards developed by. According to them, stranded theory is the finding of theory from data and that is analytically obtained from research. The theory developed is imitative from data and then illustrated by the quality (Springer Netherlands, 1998) A permutation of data collection method of face to face interview, population and focus groups will be used in the planned research. The face to face interview is a unstructured interview and comfortable type of interview meant to investigate in a general topic to be discussed and with face to face interview have benefit of being able to observe and record verbal and non verbal behaviour, however this interview can be conducted by phone or online and online interview offer the chance to conduct more interview within the same time. These approach also save the travel expenses and time. This interview will be conducted without any list of questions, even though clear supreme areas to search require to be recognized prior to the interview. In such data collection method, interviewee is given the chance to talk liberally about QE and its impact on UK economy (Cooper and Schindler, 2007, pg-204 to 207) Population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make some suggestion. A population is part of sampling the basic idea of sampling is that by selecting some of the elements in a population, we may draw the conclusion about the entire population. Most of the investors are choose samplings because it shows the cost, availability of population, accuracy of result and speed of data collection. For example the economic advantage of taking a sample rather than a sample is massive. Consider the cost of taking a poll. In 2000 due to a supreme court ruling requiring a poll even though statistical sampling techniques, the UK bureau of the poll increased its 2000 decennial poll budget estimate by  £1,723 billion, to  £4,512 billion. In any wonder that investors in all types of firms askà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?why should we spend thousands of pounds interviewing all 4,000 employee in our company (Cooper and Schindler, 2007, pg-402 to 405) Focus groups became widely used in research during the 1980s and are used for increasingly various research applications today. A focus group is group of people, led by an educated diplomat, who meet 90 minutes to 2 hours. The facilitator or moderator uses group dynamics ethics to focus or guide in a swap of ideas, feeling and experiences on a exact topic (Cooper and Schindler, 2007, pg-146) Data collection Methods The research says the beginning of face to face interview with Ian Hally Director of the British insurance group Aviva Plc told in interview many investors are willing to invest in Asian property markets because next two years and is looking to improve the regions share of its asset to 25% over the next 5 to 10 years. Aviva investors sees a healing in Asian property markets on real estate investment a lot of the markets across Asia investment chances are going to be attractive in 2010 and 2011. In interview with Ian hally was good because I havent prepared any questions but I have clear idea of areas to be enclosed in the discussion. The interview estimated to half an hour to 45 minutes but he has give enough time to discuss and he spoke to me with friendly nature however the conversation was good and got clear idea of investors behaviour (Eriko Amaha, 2009) The survey conducted by the Nick Clark, 2009 Managing Director of the property investor show. Many of the investors are looking for safe place to invest before like real estate, gold and groceries but according to new survey the investor confidence in the UK and overseas property market has risen considerably in the last three months. Because the increase in confidence and changed desire in UK and overseas property has been signalled by reports that UK property prices have stabilized and the first signs of enduring job rises being reported. There has also been a strong move in the market with confidence UK investors commencement to re-explore overseas opportunities as they survey for investments with better returns than the other poor performing investment vehicles such as bank savings and the stock market, because the UK economy is slowly coming out from deflation this survey would easily say the population of investors and we can collect the each investor personal ideas and his opi nions and this survey will recorded. Focus groups are well known because they are experts in research to test reactions. A focus group sometimes called a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"focus group interview is a group interview that focuses clearly upon a particular issue or topic and encompasses the need for interactive discussion amongst participants. They share the ideas, suggestions and tips for the particular topic these discussions conducted several times with similar participant to enable trends and patterns to be identified when the data collected and analysed (Lewis, P. Etal, 2009, pg-243 to 247) Data analysis This research proposes to use a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data analysis come within reach of data obtained through face to face interview, population and focus group will be analysed using the set of procedures from standard strategies approach of coding (Cooper and Schindler, 2006). These strategies approach is a systematic, advantage of the approach is that data analysis can be conducted in a less formalised and proceduralised manner while maintaining a systematic loom to reach certain strategy. Quantitative data refer to all such data and can be product of all research strategies, it can be shows from simple counts such as the frequency of occurrences to more complex data. Qualitative data refers all numeric data and data that have not been quantified and can be a product of all research strategies, it can variety from a short list of responses to open ended questions in an online questionnaire to more compound data (Lewis, P. Etal, 2009, pg- 414 and 480). Resource requirement The review of the literature will be got maximum from the journals and articles from the college library facilities like Emerald. The initiation of other work will get from usage of books and internet facilities from the college library books. Bibliography Cooper. DR, Schidnler.PM, 2006, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition Lewis. P, Saunders. M, Thornhill. A, 2009, Research methods for business students, Pearson Education Limited, pg-243 to 247

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lebanon: A Globe-trotters Guide :: essays research papers fc

Lebanon: A Globe-trotters Guide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I planned my trip to Lebanon from December 26th to January 5th. The mountains in Lebanon are covered with snow and I thought this would be the most beautiful time to visit the Middle East. The round-trip airline ticket should cost approximately $2,160.00. I also found a hotel in central Beirut, The Holiday Suites Hotel, which should range between $350 and $750 for the entire stay ( Also, there must be taken into account the cost of meals which should be no more than $300 total for the entire trip. I will also be carrying at least $1000 for souveniers, ski rental, and lift tickets, as well as taxis and other public modes of transportation..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lebanon is very beautiful, due to it’s four-season weather, beaches, and skiing mountains. Lebanon has a commonly Mediterranean climate. The Lebanese people experience hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. The Lebanese mountains however, experience heavy snows for the duration of the winter months. Lebanon is a predominantly mountainous country merely the size of Connecticut. The fertile Bequaa Valley separates the Lebanese mountains from the Anti-Lebanese mountains on the Syrian-Lebanese border.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Lebanon is Arabic, but French is widely spoken. Some minor languages throughout Lebanese culture are Armenian and English. There are three recognized religions in Lebanon; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. There are approximately seventy-one percent of the Lebanese people whom practice Islam, while twenty-nine percent practice different denominations of Christianity and the remaining citizens practice Judaism. (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lebanese culture varies within families, and varies even greater in respect to age and wealth. A large majority of Lebanese women wear long gowns with a scarf wrapped around their heads, and a jacket over their clothes. However, older Lebanese women wear a long and baggy black dress and use a scarf tied behind their neck to hide their hair. The fashion of men however is much more revealing, as with most Middle Eastern cultures. The older men in Lebanon wear baggy trousers that are wound tightly around the cuff. They wear open-necked collarless shirts, and they sometimes wear a hat called a Turbish (Wormser 181).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a westerner, I will not be required to wear the traditional Lebanese dress. SInce I am planning a skiing trip, bringing lots of sweaters, and ski bibs will be appropriate for this time of year. I will also need a ski parka, a hat, gloves, and a scarf. I will probably bring some jeans to explore the tourist attractions in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While visiting Lebanon, one would expect to enjoy traditional Middle-Eastern

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ethical Implications of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Essay

Ethical Implications of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Thesis As current problems of terrorism and the war on Iraq, chemical, biological and nuclear warfare (CBW) issues are important and relevant. CBW agents are dangerous, uncontrollable and undifferentiating weapons of mass destructions. Chemical, biological and nuclear weapons are capable of mass destruction aimed at killing masses of people. Using CBW agents comes with many ethical dilemmas and consequential side-effects. Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons are designed to yield a great number of deaths. Regarding the ethical use of CBW, while looking at the larger context of war, one must determine the value of life. As backed by Virtues Ethics, this mass killing caused by CBW is unethical and unjustified. Introduction News of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons seem to plague today's newspapers. Taking a glance at headlines, one would read about current issues regarding Iraqi disarmament of weapons of mass destruction, Russian government intentional use of a gas that killed rebels and hostages, and terrorist threats on the United States. Chemical and biological warfare (CBW) is not a new problem in the war against terror; it was a danger to communities centuries ago. There are many accounts of deliberate use of biological or chemical agents during war. Some of these earliest accounts mentioned are found in the 6th century BCE when the Assyrians poisoned enemy wells with rye ergot, a fungus disease. Also at that time Solon of Athens used the purgative herb hellebore, during siege of Krissa. The Bible describes the ten plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the slaying of the f... ...ns Disarmament Yearbook. (2002). United Nations: New York: United Nations. Hersh, Seymor M. (1968). Chemical and Biological Warfare. Indiana: Bobbs-Merill. McCormick, Dr. Matt. Immanuel Kant-Metaphysics. Retrieved November 18, 2002, from University of Tennessee at Martin web site: Reuters. On anniversary of Japanese subway attack, many fear cult resurgence. Retrieved November 18, 2002, from CNN web site: Rose, Steven. (1968). CBW: Chemical and Biological Warfare. Boston: Beacon Press. SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). (1977). Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Environment. New York: Crane, Russak & Company. Solomon, Brian. (1999). Chemical and Biological Warfare. New York: H.W. Wilson.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Battle Between Good and Evil in Dr. Faustus :: Doctor Faustus Essays

Battle Between Good and Evil in Dr. Faustus The story Dr. Faustus represents the constant battle between good and evil. Every day, we are faced having to choose between the two, even if there seems like there is no solution. Faust, in the story Dr. Faustus, represents those that choose to stoop to a lower level in order to get what they want. The good angel and the bad angel are the morals that pull the Faust's soul apart, forcing him to make a decision that can effect his future. The story Dr. Faustus is a great example of how one wrong decision can cause an everlasting burn. In the story Dr. Faustus, there is a battle of good versus evil going on. Faust is a man who is desperate for power and control. He wants to do anything he wants to do, and control anything he wants to control. That is where Mephistophales, a blood-sucking devil appears, preying on Foust and his confusing soul. Mephistophales was in heaven, and was kicked out. His soul is burning, and so he is desperate to take Foust's soul with him. Misery does love company. Faust wants power when he states "I charge thee wait upon me whilstg I live. To do whatever Faustus shall command".(Act 1, scene 2,lines 33-34). While Faustus demands his power, Mephistophales is miserable in hell. He wants Faust's soul, and the two make a trade. Meanwhile, the good angel appears. The good angel is trying to convince Faust to drop this insanity, because the bible is what he should be reading, rather than the magic book. When it seems like the angels have gotten to Faust, the devils appear. It is an insult to the bad angels to hear Christ's name in their presence. While the good angels are telling him to repent, the bad angels are giving him a taste of pure hell. (p48) They bring out the seven deadly sins. (48) Lucifer, in the meantime, worked his magic, and Faust signs the dotted line. It is over. The seven deadly sins represent the agony of hell. Faust now became the eighth. He now became just as evil and manipulative as Mephistophales. He now was forever damned. Temptation is society's worst enemy. When challenges arise, everyone wants answers, even if that means taking the wrong route. A great example of Faust in our society is robbery.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ode on a Grecian Urn Essay

In the poem â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn,† Keats took inspiration from a visit to a museum exhibiting artifacts, one of which is an urn with figures on its surface. The urn depicts scenes taken from ancient Greek life. Intrigued by the Urn’s beauty and the figures depicted on its sides, Keats was moved to write a poem expressing wonder, admiration, questions and criticisms. Without knowing who these figures are, what they are meant to reflect and to what purpose were they made for, the poet revels in the mystery they represent. The Ode’s first stanza is filled with wonder and questions; the last stanza has none. Being a piece of art, the urn can speak to its viewers in whatever way it chooses to communicate. In the first stanza of the poem, the writer addresses an ancient urn and reflects on its beauty and what story it can tell. He calls the urn a â€Å"historian† possessing secret knowledge. The writer looks at one group of pictures that seem to be of men pursuing women. He wonders if it was a pursuit among lovers, a struggle between sexes, or a playful episode among the young on a beautiful day. In the next stanza, the poet focuses on another figure on the vase. This time, it portrays a man with his lover, both lying beneath a tree while he plays his pipe. The writer declares that the pipe’s silent music is sweeter than a mortal’s music because the former lives through time. While the man and woman cannot kiss because they are frozen in time, they should not despair because their beauty and youth will forever remain. In one stanza, the poet is able to present two contrasting realities. One is that of unfilled longing through eternity, while the other speaks of unfading glory. The ode’s third stanza reflects the poet’s general feeling of happiness for the things he observed about the couple described in the previous stanza, as well as the trees surrounding them. The poet is glad for the trees’ leaves, which will forever be green and remain attached to the branches. The poet is also happy that the man with the pipe will have his songs forever new. He is also happy that the lovers’ love will last until eternity. Here, the poet laments that mortal love is just the passing of passion. By the time it passes, which it eventually will, there is nothing left. In the fourth stanza of the Ode, the poet turns to examine another picture. This time, it represents villagers leading a young cow, which seems to be a sacrificial offering. He imagines where they have come from and where they are headed for. The poet visualizes empty streets because the citizens have all left to witness the sacrifice. And the streets will forever remain empty for those who have left the town are frozen on their way to the sacrificial place. For the fifth and final stanza, the poet goes back to addressing the urn. He tells the ornamental vase that while it lives and remain forever, the poet’s generation would have long passed. He ends it with the famous quote that equates beauty with truth. By doing this, the author seems to criticize and admire the urn at the same time. While the poet thinks the urn beautiful, he thinks that that is the only thing it will ever possess. This is the same manner of admiration and criticisms that the poet has vested on the characters found on the urn.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Biblical Criticisms

The Bible is unarguable the most circulated book of all books in the world. It has been translated to several languages in different versions. The book has been described as the world’s best and most widely distributed book by the Guinness Book of Record. The Bible has been read by more people and published in more languages than any other book in history. It was estimated that within the period of 1815-1975 alone, 2. 5 billion copies sold.Record has also shown us that at the end of 1993, the Bible has been fully translated into 337 different languages in the world while over 2,062 languages have translations of at least one book of the Bible. Due to its wide-spread influence, the Bible has been written by various Bible societies for easier comprehension and from their revelations. This has resulted in some textual difference in these various versions of the Bible.The question is how can the original meaning of scriptures that have divergent textual interpretations by these ve rsions be known? The answer to this is Biblical criticism. What then is Biblical Criticism? In its simplest form, this term is an umbrella term for the critical study and appraisal of textual, compositional and historical questions of Biblical scriptures without recourse to revelation. It uses the canon of reason rather than and historical principles in its study.Summarily, the query inquisition made in biblical criticism concerns the preservation and transmission of biblical text and scriptures, this includes the manuscripts in which the text has been preserved, the date, its setting, its relationship, and what the most reliable form of the text is; the source and composition of the text, together with when and where it was created, how, why, by whom, for whom, and in what situation it was created, what were the influence that were work when it was produced, and what sources were used in its composition; and the message of the text as expressed in its language, including the meanin g of the words as well as the way in which they are arranged in meaningful forms of expression. There are different forms of biblical criticisms. Some of them have been in existence as far back as eighteenth century. The major types of biblical criticism are form criticism, textual criticism, philological criticism, literary criticism, traditional criticism.There are also forms of biblical criticisms that have come to existence over the years. They are the literary approach, social-scientific criticism, cultural hermeneutics under which is canonical criticism. For the purpose of this essay, more attention will be drawn on the more recent form biblical criticism; the canonical criticism. Canonical criticism as the more recent form of biblical criticism is a form of cultural hermeneutic approach of biblical criticism that deals with the theological form of interpretation that puts into the center of its study the community background within which the text was produced and from which i t is to be read.It is a form of biblical criticism that deals with how scripture’s final form was created in the context of a believing community and how the interpretations produced by that final form continually guides the reading practices such community. Canonical criticism as a form of biblical criticism has greatly affected biblical study in our world today. As a theological form of biblical study, it preaches that we ought to read Scripture from a universal perspective and not individualistically but as part of a worshiping community of fellow believers. It also seeks a practical goal in that it entails reading the Scripture not just for academic or aesthetic reasons but in order to inhabit its narrative, to have our imagination converted to its values, and to promote love of God and neighbor. In addition to this, it serves as a historic framework.For canonical critics, we ought to read Scripture in conversation with previous generations of believers, especially those of the pre-modern period. Reference: †¢ Greenslade, S. L. , ed. â€Å"Cambridge History of the Bible†. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1963. †¢ Gurthrie, D. â€Å"Canon of Scripture†, In the New International Dictionary of the Christian Church†, Rev. ed. J. D. Douglas, ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1974. †¢ Kenyon, F. G. â€Å"Handbook to the textual Criticism of the New Testament†, London: Macmillan and Co. , 1901. †¢ Biblical criticism. (2008). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9079097Back to top

Religion in Colonial America Essay

Throughout the colonial period with British North American settlement, the subjects of religion and economics often come hand-in-hand when associated with significance. Although economic concerns of development and exploration had its part in British settlement into the New World, religious entanglement, such as Puritan progression and The Great Awakening , played a bigger role in the rise of the American colonies. The flee for religious freedom and organization based on religion in a colony outweigh the concerns for economics. The American colonies valued their religion, as well as making it the most valuable part of their lives. In the early 1500’s certain Christians from different European nations went against the Roman authority of the pope. Religious wars/conflicts, competition, and the Protestant Reformation all contributed to a religious motive for exploration and colonization into North America. Many British immigrants came to the new world not only looking for wealth, but for a religious freedom and structured society. This pull factor created a foundation for religion in the new colonies many people fled the home country to avoid religious persecution and inferiority. Furthermore, Puritans, who colonized the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629, sought to create an empire of religious tolerance. Under John Winthrop, the religious group taught the new colony that the people should provide a whole world a model of Christian society ought to be, as in â€Å"A City upon a Hill†. The groups of people who wanted to separate from the church of England or go against the Roman catholic Pope went to the New World solely for religious freedoms, creating a religious superiority put into their new location. Immigration into America was by far dominated by groups of people avoiding the oppression and persecution faced by royal and religious leaders in their homeland; religious refuge provided means for these colonists to build upon a belief of religious tolerance and organization. As colonies were developing and new groups of people/ideas were diffusing, religious conflict and authority became prominent. A major religious event  in the life of the American people, The Great Religious Awakening, highlighted the valuable role of religion in the people’s lives. The Awakening permanently reflected the need for religious tolerance and organization in a group of people. Also, religious groups such as the Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians (all minority religious groups) took root and grew. Along with awareness to significance, the movement highlighted the presence of religious feeling among masses of people. A major division between orthodox and â€Å"New Lights† increased religious diversity and created a greater competition between the groups to attract followers. This historical event exposed a new way of thinking for the peoples – democracy. In fact, the Great Awakening brought a shared common experience for Americans regardless of race or religion. The Great Awakening brought political and religious impact to the Americans, which still influences the nation today. Even though religion posed to be the biggest concern associated with British settlement in the New World, economic development proved to contribute in the time period. Columbus’s exploration of the New World was based on the hope to find land, resources, and wealth; all pertaining to the progress and bringing up of Europe’s economy. Moreover, the thirteen colonies developed ways, (such as Jamestown’s tobacco crop) to exploit resources as means for survival. The North American Colonies Association with trade (Columbian Exchange) put them in competition with other empires to compete for wealth and progression as a community. Economic concerns engaged in the colonies’ organization; however, religion was the basis for British settlement and the foundation for population growth, social movement, and political structure. Although economic concerns of development and exploration had its part in British settlement into the New World, religious entanglement proved to be more important in the race for American development. Religion posed as the main factor for the peoples, and led them to make decisions and act upon their beliefs. In this colonial time period, religion proved to be a greater power in the daily lives of Americans.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fluency vs Accuracy

We all know that English is an international language which people from all over the world learn in order to communicate with each other. There are two types of language learner: the first type is being accurate in speaking English. This means that if a person start to say something, and then realize that he/she made a mistake, that person will stop and correct that mistake. They might pause and contemplate what the right word or phrase should be use. The other type is Fluency, this type increases the progress of the learners. English is our universal language. Indeed, it is very important for us to have knowledge in speaking English because it will help you to develop your speaking skills and in the near future, whenever, you will find for a job it is one of the most important qualifications that you can speak well or fluently. Some people who are not that good enough in speaking English are called English carabao in informal term. But then, in our daily lives we must pursue ourselves to learn something new like speaking in English fluently. It doesn’t matter whether your grammar are correct or wrong what is important is the thought you have in your message even if it is formal or informal conversation. Based on my experienced, if you can’t speak English at all, I think you’re a loser. Last December 2010 we celebrated our holiday vacation in Hong Kong. As we went there almost of the people there only know how to speak Cantonese not English. For us Filipino it is a great insult if you don’t know how to express yourself in English especially if you want to ask something to the Chinese people who lived there or foreigners. Traveling to other country is not easy of course the first thing you need to learn is English language. For some people who are afraid to express their selves in English it is not hindrance for them to learn something new. At first it is really hard but if you just concentrate and believe in yourself that you can do better, you can speak better that’s the spirit. Patience is a virtue, if we keep on trying again and again it would lead us to a successful life. Everything is possible in God’s you will see how great you are as a person.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How xanga influences communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

How xanga influences communication - Essay Example However, as in all forms of social activities, communication should be based on specific criteria trying to avoid the development of relationships that may hide a risk for people participated. Xanga is considered as one of the most important ‘online communities’ around the world. Its importance is based on the fact that its site is accessed by an extremely high number of visitors on a daily basis. Taking into account the aspects of communication as presented above, we could come to the result that Xanga leads to the development of specific communication schemes and in this way it influences communication in accordance with the preferences of the public but also personal attitudes as they are presented and analyzed through the community’s site. Communication is an issue that has been extensively examined in the literature especially the last years when human relationships face significant difficulties. In this context, the parameters of a ‘proactive’ communication have been analyzed in order to identify the main aspects of interaction between human behaviour and communication. One of the most important results of this effort has been the conclusion that effective communication cannot be achieved without the active involvement of all participants while personal attitudes have been found to have a catalytic role. Towards this direction Butterfield et al. (1997) examined a particular aspect of communication named ‘Communication Apprehension’ and its influence on a specific part of life, the healthy diet. The above study can be used as an indicative example of the importance of communication on all human activities regardless their social or political character. Indeed, Butterfield et al. (1997, 244) noticed that ‘Communication Apprehension does not influence health behaviours which do not require communication (with the possible exception of diet)

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Writer's Choice Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writer's Choice - Movie Review Example The result was a huge loss of public money. It appears that during the early stages of this transition financial sector was favored by politicians; however, during the times of crisis considerable pressure was exerted over political forces by the previously favored financial sector. The role of academics in this regard is also controversial since the income of many such figures is largely based on their work as consultants mainly involved in favoring the working of financial sector. In my opinion, this whole move which started taking its shape in the 80s was a very well planned action which was taken by the learned elite of the society. Their knowledge of fiscal issues coupled with the mal-intent of politicians aimed at targeting the natural greed of a common person; money was used as a tool to convert opposition into friendliness. The ultimate result was the formation of a high-rise mountain of gold which filled the pockets of those who planned it; leaving the others bankrupt and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

One flew over the cuckoo's nest Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

One flew over the cuckoo's nest - Movie Review Example Very much calm and controlled, she runs the ward in a tyrannical fashion and with mechanical precision. Without direct threats or accusations, her authoritative manner bullies all the patients into submission. Her own name is a combination of the words "rat" and "wretched" (H.J. Summers and S. Summers, 2003). In spite of what one would expect, Mc Murphy's charisma and energy win the respect and admiration of the patients in the ward. He fits well within the ward's environment and his presence causes some of the patients to show improvement; for example, he involves the Chief in a basketball game, other patients in card games and takes them all on a fishing trip. However, he soon becomes aware of the injustices and mistreatment they are the subject of and starts a personal battle. The incident regarding the use of the television to watch the World Series is a good example of this. One night, McMurphy organizes a party involving the patients, a couple of women and alcohol. During the party, McMurphy notices that Billy likes one of his female friends and he asks her to sleep with him. In the morning, nurse Ratched finds the ward in a mess with the patients sleeping all over the place after passing out from alcohol consumption. When they perform a head count, the nurses find Billy with the woman in his room. Nurse Ratched confronts him and humiliates him once more. The argument causes Billy to commit suicide. At this point, McMurphy physically attacks nurse Ratched and is close to murdering her. The reprisal is terrible: a lobotomy1 that leaves McMurphy severely disabled. When McMurphy is returned to the ward, the Chief realizes that they will not be escaping together now and, as he does not want to leave his friend behind in that state, he suffocates him with a pillow. The closing scene shows how the Chief followed the plan that McMurphy had proposed, throws a hydrotherapy fountain through a window and runs away in the search of freedom. The movie is a fantastic attempt to encourage debate about insanity. Psychology had gone through a very prestigious phase in the USA at the end of the 1950s; but, by the 1960s, this notion had changed radically. Philosophers and sociologists argued that the modern definition of insanity is a cultural invention and a means of control. In this manner, individuals branded as "mad" or "insane" were isolated from society and secluded into asylums, where they no longer posed a threat for society (K. Kesey, 2002). 2. ANALYSIS Randle Patrick McMurphy and Mildred Ratched are the main characters of the movie. In fact, the plot is a series of confrontations between the two characters. McMurphy is a criminal that seeking to "enjoy" his sentence in comfort, feigns lunacy in order to be admitted into a mental asylum. He is a fun-loving individual, a free spirit that challenges authority and resents any form of control. He is intelligent, flamboyant and energetic. Interestingly, he is described by members of the establishment as belligerent, resentful and lazy. In conversation with

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Edward Burtynsky & Banksy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Edward Burtynsky & Banksy - Essay Example Thus, while Burtynsky tries to instill an artificial sense of beauty and comfort by taking his viewers away from reality, Banksy tries to make people aware about the social issues by portraying realities satirically. This article intends to compare and contrast both the artists. The early years Burtynsky was born in St. Catharines, Ontario. He was brought to the world of photographs by his father when he purchased a darkroom along with camera and instruction manuals. After gaining some knowledge in the field, he started a small business of taking portraits. Later on, he enrolled at the Ryerson Polytechnical Institute for better understanding of photography. Thus, he obtained a BAA in Media Studies Program. It seems that Burtynsky was influenced by a number of other artists. Some of them are Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Eadweard Muybridge, and Carleton Watkins (Edward Burtynsky: biography). Banksy was born in 1974 and brought up in Bristol. Though he was the son of a photocopier techni cian, he was destined to get training in butchery. However, the genius got himself involved in graffiti as it was the time of aerosol boom. Thus, his work shows similarity to the works of Blek le Rat, and Massive Attack (Brian Sewell Art Directory). Burtynsky concentrated mainly on landscapes which are altered by the advancement of industry; including mines, piles of scrap and quarries. However, the mere fact is that his photographs of industrial wilderness are often more beautiful than the landscapes it altered. Thus, one wonders if he is a fan of industrialization in a world where art and science do not cohabit. As Ballamingie points out, in order to cover the grand beauty of industrial landscapes, he even visited countries like China. On the other hand, Banksy’s works mainly deal with political and social themes. They cover messages including anti-war, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, anti-imperialism, anti-authoritarianism, anarchism, nihilism, and existentialism. In additi on, he exhibits mastery in exhibiting human conditions like poverty, despair, alienation, greed and hypocrisy. Technique Burtynsky is fond of large format field camera and his photographs are taken on 4x5 sheet film. They are then developed into high-resolution, large-dimension prints of nearly 50x60 inches. The photographs are often taken from higher platforms (â€Å"Artist analysis..†). Banksy is a street artist. So, his weapon was stencils. However, one has to assume that he even used computers to develop images because of the photocopy nature of his some works. According to Banksy, as he was too slow doing graffiti with stencils, he developed some intricate stencils which minimize time. His art work took every form and every place as he only considered efficacy as the prime aim. To illustrate, he painted his Gorilla in a pink mask on the exterior wall of a social club in Eastville. As Danny writes, as Banksy’s graffiti appeared in public places, at times, governmen t officials considered his graffiti as a form of vandalism. Important works Burtynsky’s one photographic series was named ‘Mines’. It was photographed in Bingham Valley, Utah; Sudbury, Ontario; Butte, Montana; Highland Valley, British Columbia and Revelstoke, British Columbia. Another series ‘

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reagan's Economic Policies Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reagan's Economic Policies - Term Paper Example Besides, presidential policies are sometimes informed by the desire to discover new idea or to carry on the legacy of the American founders.1 Policies by respective presidential candidates greatly determine if they will win the elections or not; in other words, the electorates vote for a particular candidate based on the belief that his policies will propel America to greater heights of prosperity, as well as promoting national and international safety and security. Throughout the American history, the persons who have graced presidency have had various policies that have had positive and negative impacts to the country. It is well-known fact that these policies have been entrenched in the country’s history and defines each presidency that has existed. This paper will consider the President Ronald Reagan’s policies and actions concerning economic policies and his policies on the air traffic strike in particular. President Ronald Reagan was in office between 1981 and 198 9. He took office in 1981 in the wake of the worst recession since the Great Depression and he was determined to turn around America’s economic fortune. This desire was evident in his inaugural address where he articulated his intention to make the government work. In the address he said â€Å"In the days ahead, I will propose removing the roadblocks that have slowed our economy and reduced productivity.†2 His economic policies became so endeared within the broader America’s economic policies; these policies actually earned the tag of â€Å"Reaganomics.† These policies were aimed at attempting to change the United States economic policy’s course. The economic policies were contained under the Reagan’s Program for Economic Recovery of 1981 which had four main policy objectives: to reduce the government spending growth; to reduce regulation; to reduce inflation through the control of the growth of the money supply; and to reduce the marginal t ax rates on income from capital and labor. These policy objectives were expected to increase investment and saving, balance the budget, reduce interest rates and inflation, restore healthy financial markets, and increasing economic growth.3 It is imperative to understand the historical context that informed Reagan’s economic policy. This historical context not is critical in understanding what exactly was motivating President Reagan towards pushing for his economic policies. As it will be seen from the historical context, Reagan was consciously working within the Constitutional provisions and he was seeking to advance a particular great cause which was to rejuvenate America’s economy. Prior to the administration of President Reagan, the economy of the United States had experienced a decade of increasing inflation and unemployment which was popularly known as â€Å"stagflation.† His immediate predecessors had favoured stimulus that were resulting to money supply expansion. Reagan’s approach to stagflation that was facing the United States was to depart from his the approach used by his immediate predecessors.4 Reagan intended to reduce the growth of government. His policies was based on the supply side economics theory which states that tax cuts encourages expansion of the economy to eventually widen the tax base. To achieve this, he stated his intention of increasing defense spending while at the same time reducing taxes. He enacted lower rates of marginal tax in

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Traditional and Online Dating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Traditional and Online Dating - Essay Example Dating on many ways grabbed the phenomena as arranged marriage and imparted more freedom and rights to couple in choosing their life partner. Dating has been around for couple of centuries, and over these years, it has lost its real meaning. People are using this term so widely that any meeting between young or older couple comes under the meaning of â€Å"dating†. The dating started from traditional one to online dating over the course of time. Society has changed a lot, before there used to be something known as traditional dating where men and women met informally over a weekend, get together or social event. So traditional dating gives the partners a platform to see each other and then get to know each other in a real environment. Dating has lost it value after the invention of online dating sites, and other websites which initiated courtship assistance. In the earlier times, people used to meet each other in person and ask them for date, but in today’s world people enter a date as one entering a dark cave. Both the traditional and online dating has advantages and disadvantages. Any one cannot be prescribed as traditional dating is a matter of past and online dating has become a comfortable matter for modern world. ... Here they have to depend blindly on the website profile of partners. Traditional dating may be an old way of finding a partner but it works extremely well in understanding a person. Men can select their female partner from various others and this is what needed in a dating process. Traditional dating is entertaining and time taking as men can feel shy or awkward in asking women out. On this ground, online dating is apt as it allows the men or women to take on to second step without facing the stressful step of asking for a date. Many men have the terrible feeling of facing women, and hence in traditional dating men face less chance of getting women for dating. The world today is extremely fast and people need everything done in less time and effort. In that case , online dating looks enticing and worth appreciating. But people forget that things done in a minimum time especially human relationship can be hazardous rather than useful .Dating is a phenomena which involves love, passion , trust and confidence and to gauge these entire human qualities one need to take time and use efforts. So here we can find that to acquire quality in human relationship, one need to approach traditional dating. In traditional dating, people have enough time to observe a girl in a social environment or in neighborhood and ask her for a date in an informal manner. Normally, online dating allows people to analyze a person completely, but this analysis is solely depends on the authenticity of the information provided. Many a times, it is hard to determine the quality of the information provided online. In traditional dating, people are meeting only in real and get to know each other in a realistic environment. It is a matter of lives of people and a person deceiving another

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Please read the attachments carefully you'r able to know what I want Essay

Please read the attachments carefully you'r able to know what I want - Essay Example Moreover, the NoSQL databases are deployed in a distributed environment and open sourced (NoSQL. n.d). It is pertinent to mention here that there are four (4) types / categories of the NoSQL database include: the document oriented database, XML database, graph database and key-value store / database. In the document oriented database the data is stored in the documents, the examples include: the CashDB, MongoDB etc. In the XML databases, the data is stored in the XML format, the examples include: the BaseX, eXist etc. In the Graph database, the data is stored as the collection of nodes that connected using edges, the examples include: DEX, Stones GrapgDB etc. The key-value store refers to storing data without schema in the form of strings, hashes, stored sets etc., and the examples include: Riak, BigTable, etc. One of the NoSQL databases is developed by the Oracle Corporation. The Oracle NoSQL database is characterized by the BASE – Basically Available, Soft State, and Eventua lly Consistent. The Oracle database used to replicate data in a way that data would be always available to the users, moreover, to avoid unavailability it distributes / share data among several database storage servers. The soft state refers that the Oracle NoSQL database allows inconsistent data and assigns its responsibility to the application developers. The Eventually Consistent refers to the ability of the NoSQL database becoming and presenting consistent data with the passage of time and its usage. Generally, it can be stated that the NoSQL database management systems are used to deal with huge data where the data does not necessitate being relational. The NoSQL database has the capabilities of storing, retrieving and appending data in a highly efficient manner without discrepancy of the data size. It is pertinent to mention some of the organizations dealing with massive data and use the NoSQL database for manipulation of the data, these organizations include: the LinkedIn, Go ogle, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook (Oracle Corporation, 2011). NoSQL and Relational Database Management Systems – the Differences There are several diverse features of the Oracle NoSQL database that makes it different from the traditional Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). On the basis of the differences, the management of any organization can take an informed decision whether to employ the Oracle NoSQL database or the RDBMS. One of the main differences between the NoSQL and RDMS is scalability. The NoSQL data stores have the ability to scale it even on the distributed systems and it can be deployed over several database servers. Whereas, the RDMS can only be deployed and scaled over a single server and it is the reason that the NoSQL databases can handle a huge number of data. This is one of the main motives of the growing popularity of the NoSQL. Moreover, as the NoSQL database can be deployed on several servers, therefore, these databases offer high data availa bility with little or no unavailability. Moreover, the performance of the NoSQL database is highly efficient as compared to the RDBMS, because the data is being shared and processed on several servers. But in order to provide the data highly available along with high performance, the NoSQL databases compromise the data consistency, as the data is redundantly stored or replicated on the diverse servers (Strauch, n.d). The NoSQL databases have been developed focusing the BASE acronym of Basically Available,

Friday, September 6, 2019

The name China most likely came from the Qin Dynasty Essay Example for Free

The name China most likely came from the Qin Dynasty Essay The name â€Å"China† most likely came from the Qin Dynasty (pronounced â€Å"Chin†), and has had a great impact on Modern China. While the Qin Dynasty only lasted 9 years, the impact of the Qin Dynasty and Emperor cannot be underestimated. Ancient Chinas’ Qin Dynasty united China into a solid union under a legalist form of government, created beautiful yet functional art, and had an Emperor that standardized the currency, measurement and script of the country for the first time. The Qin family was the first family to unify China as a whole, after being the most powerful family during the Warring Period. The Emperor managed to standardize measurement, currency and written script across all of China to improve communication. The Qin Dynasty is also famous for its’ beautiful and unique art that has lasted even up to today. The Qin family came to power in 221 BCE as the most powerful family after the Warring Period (475-221 BCE) in China. After essentially winning China over from the other families, the Qin Emperor quickly united China to avoid another Warring Period. China was ruled under a legalist form of government, like the late Qin state had been ruled by. The land of the China was divided to 36 commanderies, which were in turn divided into sub countries. Each of the commanderies had a civil governor, a military commander and an imperial inspector who had to report to the Emperor (China Culture par. 2). The Qin was not the most culturally advanced family, but had the strongest and largest army of the warring families during the time before the Qin Dynasty. In order to keep order the Qin Dynasty rulers utilized many new warfare technologies and tactics, especially in the cavalry divisions. Another lasting impact of the Qin Dynasty is the power of a leader’s personality in China. Even after the end of the Qin Dynasty, the next Dynasties based their practices on many practices of the Qin Dynasty. Although the Qin Emperor was not well liked (China Culture par. 4), he brought together his country into a solid state with good communication between the people and the Emperor. From serving in the afterlife to protecting all of China, art in this Dynasty was beautiful as well functional. Many families during the Warring Period built walls to protect their land (Great Qin Wall par. 2). It was not until the Qin Dynasty started the previously built walls were connected into a 5,000 km wall (Great Qin Wall par. ). The wall stood for many centuries, and sections of it still stand today, however the Great Wall that you see today has either been rebuilt over the over all or constructed completely new in the Ming Dynasty. The sections of the Qin wall that still stand are well preserved and had stood the test of time. This wall not only stood as a means of protection, but as a symbol of power over the other states and to the Emperor. The most famous pieces of artwork of the Dynasty are the 7,500 clay sculptures that make up the terracotta army in the burial chamber of the Emperor. These sculptures were placed in the chamber in place of the servants that used to be buried with Emperors, to protect and serve in the afterlife (China Culture par. 3). The sculptures are outfitted with real weapons, chariots and pottery horses. Each face and pieces of armor were carved individually so that none of them look exactly the same (Hollihan-Elliot 15). These pieces of art had functionality, and were unique to China and the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Emperor standardized many things to further his country and improve communication across the large mass of land. Writing and numbers were standardized in the written script to improve officials’ communication with each other and the Emperor. During the Warring Period, many different types and variations of scripts were used, making communication difficult for everyone (China Culture par. 3). Standardizing written script into a single script was less confusing for the people who ran the vast country. Cart axel measurements were standardized and made equal all over China. Cart wheels made deep ruts in the soft paths and cart that did not have the same width wheels and axels had difficult times travelling on the imprinted roads (Dynasties of Asia par. ). The carts were needed to bring things for trade in and out of the main cities, and if they could not travel properly on the roads, the shipping was delayed or the carts toppled over, losing varies supplies and food. Currency was simplified into a round copper coin, with a square hole in the center for stringing them on the rope. These coppe r coins completely removed the bartering system (Dynasties of Asia par. 3). These standardizations, most of which are still in place today, more solidly unified China and helped pushed the influence of China and its culture forward. Ancient Chinas Qin Dynasty had beautiful, unique and functional art, was the first true unified China, and had an Emperor who standardized the country. This Dynasty is the greatest Dynasty simply because these things, many of which have stuck around for centuries in Chinese culture even up until today. While the Qin Dynasty was short, its legacy has lead other, better Dynasties up to what they were. Most other Dynasties practiced were tweaked based on the Qin Dynasty, making it the greatest Dynasty in Chinese history.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How to Choose Perfect Ivory Wedding Shoes Essay Example for Free

How to Choose Perfect Ivory Wedding Shoes Essay Although wedding dresses are the most important part of the wedding, shoes always are also playing a vital role in your wedding dressing. A brilliant pair of ivory wedding shoes cannot only add beauty to the dress, but also improve the delicate taste. Beautiful bride should be perfection from head to toe, in addition to a superb wedding, beautiful makeup, flashing jewelry and charming smile. Key point: The best time to choose shoes is around 3pm to 6pm because feet will swell slightly at this time. If the selected size is not small, it is no problem to wear at any other time. You cannot just try it before the mirror, you should be sure to go back and forth a few steps and carefully feel stability of the shoe with the right size. Second point: About 2/3 of people are not as large as two feet. So just remember which foot is long or short and two feet should to be tried on. You cannot simply choose the sizes to buy shoes. You are sure to personally try on the shoes. ivory wedding shoes Third point: Foot will have expansion and contraction phenomenon with different seasons, so you can buy discounted shoes in winter. However, the exact size you try may be slightly smaller than the summer. Fourth point: Choose ivory wedding shoes according to the color of the wedding dress. Do not choose a quite different color between shoes and dress. It is better to choose a similar color, which is more coordinated. Fifth point: Before the wedding ceremony, youd better wear new wedding shoes for several times to adapt it in the case of feeling frayed at the ceremony. And you can prepare some band-aid in advance.